Road and Bridge Standards


 The Town of Mount Holly hereby adopts the following Town Road and Bridge Standards which shall apply to all future road and bridge construction within the Town (unless State or Federal funding regulations govern over this document). Driveway construction must adhere to the driveway standards specified below.

The standards listed here are considered minimum and are presented for purposes of guiding construction and maintenance personnel. The Select Board reserves the right to modify the standards for a particular project, where, because of unique physical circumstances or conditions, there is no possibility that the project can be completed in strict conformance with these provisions. Fiscal reasons are not a basis for modification of the standards.

Any new road, whether or not that road is to be conveyed to the town, shall be constructed to the minimums of these standards. If any federal and/or state funding is involved in a project the VTrans district office will be notified prior to any field changes taking place that would alter the original scope of the work.

The Select Board has the authority in its sole discretion to accept or refuse to accept any road as a Town road.

Access Permit

Before a road or driveway project is started, or any modification is undertaken within the highway right-of-way, an Access Permit must be obtained.

An Access Permit is required for all future private road and bridge construction or reconstruction done within the Town, where the road joins a Town road.

An access permit is required for any future driveway construction or reconstruction done within the Town, where the driveway joins a Town road.

The Mount Holly Road Foreman must approve the Access Permit. The Road Foreman must be notified when construction begins. The Road Foreman will make periodic inspections of the construction. If the Road Foreman determines that a project under construction fails to meet these standards, work shall cease immediately and cannot recommence without Select Board action.


The right-of-way must be deeded to the Town and be a minimum of 3 rods in width. The Town must be supplied with 2 copies of the survey of the road and right-of-way made by a surveyor licensed in Vermont .

The minimum shoulder to shoulder width shall be 24 feet on normal sections and 28 feet on sections where guard posts or rails are required.

Dead end roads must have a turning radius of 75 feet at the end.

Roads shall have curves no greater than 11 to 21 degrees, with each curb property banked. Approval of and banking must be obtained from the Road Foreman.

On all curves where the drop is 20 feet or more with a slope of less than 1 to 4, guard rails must be installed in accordance with Federal standards.

All gravel roads will have at least 14 inches of approved bank run gravel with no stone larger than 8 inches, and 6 inches of crushed gravel with no stone larger than 1 and ¼ inches, which must be compacted. Such roads must be graded so that water does not remain on the road surface, and have adequate space for shoulders and ditching without creating unstable uphill or downhill slopes. The ditch line must be 6 inches lower than the bottom of the bank run gravel. Each layer of the gravel must be inspected by a licensed engineer for thickness and compaction. The engineer must certify that each layer meets generally recognized standards in the industry for compaction. In addition, each layer must be inspected and approved by the Road Foreman.

No grade shall exceed 12 percent. Grades in excess of 8 percent must have a double tack coat with pea stone and grits seal.

All new roadway culverts will have a minimum diameter of 18 inches.

All new roadways connecting to a present Town or State Aid highway shall be level for the first twenty (20) feet from the present ditch line.

All rock, rubbish and stumps strewn along the right-of-way during construction must be removed.


An access permit is required when the driveway joins a Town road. The Road Foreman must approve the access permit.

A driveway connecting to a Town or State Aid highway should be level with the present Town highway for a distance of 10 feet from the existing ditch line, and be so constructed that it will not at any time drain onto the highway.

All new driveway culverts will have a minimum diameter of 15 inches. A larger diameter may be required by the Road Foreman.


Water shall be diverted out of ditches:

°every 300 feet on roads having a slope of 1-2%

°every 150 feet on roads having a lope of 3-10%; and

°every 100 feet on roads with slopes over 10%

Soil exposed during ditch and slope construction or maintenance will be treated immediately as follows:

°seed and mulch slopes less than 2.5%.

°place biodegradable matting and seed on slopes between 2.5% and 5%.

°stone line ditches with angular material on slopes greater than 5%.

Bridges and Major Culverts

For all bridges (structures with spans greater than 6 feet):

°waterway openings will be designed in accordance with the latest VTrans Hydraulics Manual

°design by a licensed civil engineer must accompany the original plans for the road

°design and specifications must be approved by VTrans

°a licensed engineer must certify that construction meets the approved design specs before the bridge can be considered for acceptance by the Town.

All new roadway culverts will have a minimum diameter of 18 inches. Culverts must be new and be 16-gauge galvanized steel or Sherlock polyethylene silt tight to meet ASTMD standards must have guideposts at each edge of the traveled way and must have headers. Class 1, 2, or 3 public roads and all private roads with discernible slope shall have at least one 18-inch cross culvert every 500 feet. This minimum shall be increased to a cross culvert at least:

°every 400 feet on roads with slopes of 1-2%

°every 300 feet on roads with slopes of 3-5%

°every 200 feet on roads with slopes of 5-10%

°every 100 feet on roads with slopes over 10%

Drop inlets or catch basins may be required by the Road Foreman.

Any major culvert greater than or equal to 36 inches in diameter will be designed according to the latest VTrans Hydraulics Manual. End treatment (inlet or outlet) will also be evaluated in accordance with this manual.

These specifications are effective December 13, 2005 and supersede the standards dated May 8, 2001 .

Adopted by the Mount Holly Select Board on December 13, 2005 .

Contact Information

Phone: 259-3179